South Africa: The tears of Congo's tears!
The massacre and murder of the African country of the Congo are being shouting. In the current civil war since 1998, 54 lakh people have died so far. 45,000 people are killed every month. Armed fraternal war and civil war between riotous gangs have not greatly attracted the attention of the world.Chancellor Joseph Kapila's term of office ends with his military assistant. The Congolese people are fighting for the sake of his resignation. Kapila, who oppresses the people's struggle, is conspiring with the help of foreign powers to die out of office.
After the Second World War, a war that was heavily wiped out was a civil war in Congo. Congo is a natural resource rich country with over 200 tribal species. Exports mineral resources and natural resources to various countries.
Not only countries on the page, but also the richest countries, hire a racial group to plunder the natural resources. Strikers are attacked. It is painful to attack and attack the Congo people.
It was the first colony of the Belgian and later French colonists. Population 7.8 crore The area of the land is 23,45,409 square kilometers. Mongo, Lupa, Kongo (also called bundles) are mangled and Assande are the largest ethnic groups. Only 45% of the total population. 80% of the population is Christians, Muslims are 10%, the rest are the ancient inhabitants.
Deaths from pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and malnutrition are high. Despite these drugs and hospitals, people can not be treated by non-stop battles and die of health care for refugee camps. 80% of people flee to neighboring countries, often unable to stay home.
There is no fixed, nobleman. There is no unity between the heads of tribes. Ethnic groups that are aimed at looting natural resources with the help of armed anarchist gangs. They are the most industrious industries. The bloody river flows through Congo for a variety of reasons.
In Congo's total population, 19% of children are under 18 years of age. About 47% of them die in malnutrition and infections. The World Health Organization and the Human Rights Organization have also appealed to the Congolese.
Refugees stay in huts created with reeds. Refugee camps have no health, no safe drinking water, nutritious food - why not eat. There is no woolen clothes to wear to the chickens or cotton clothes. No reading is available.
Last December, 14 peacekeepers from the United Nations peacekeeping force were killed by armed groups. The news of the news was spoken in the media. Congo's status beyond that is no longer in the attention.
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