Monday, March 12, 2018

6 reasons why women smoking more | cancer | wiki

6 reasons why women smoking more | wiki

So there are many good reasons why it is perfectly okay to women smoking a joint from time to time. But there are 6 good reasons for the women among us:

  • women smoking helps with breast cancer:

Cannabis can be used effectively against cancer - scientists have already been able to find out. For example, a Harvard University study confirmed that cannabis use reduces lung cancer growth by half.

Meanwhile, US researchers have discovered in marijuana an active ingredient that may be effective in breast cancer. The component cannabidiol (CBD) should be able to switch off a certain gene in breast cancer cells according to the scientists - more exactly the gene Id-1. This sequence is critically involved in metastasis.
This ingredient not only prevents the smoke from spreading in the body. But this therapeutic approach can also be harmful and damaging side effects of chemotherapy can be prevented.

  • women smoking helps with period pain:

Mariuhana can make an important contribution to the fight against pain. In Africa and Asia, the plant has long been used for menstrual pain.

Meanwhile, the pain-relieving effect is also generally recognized - even the federal government wants to allow consumption, at least for seriously ill pain patients.

Cannabis is a natural alternative to the usual painkillers. The active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) not only helps with headaches and nausea but can also be used for premenstrual pain. Especially the anticonvulsant effect can help women during their period.

  • women smoking makes sex even better:

Yes, even during sex, cannabis can make a great difference for women. Because it has a strong aphrodisiac and stimulates female pleasure.

Scientists believe that Mariuhana reduces anxiety and reduces inhibitions - which is why women can have more fun with sex.

Sex therapist Ian Kerner confirms this assumption against the MIC portal: "Studies have shown that during excitement and orgasm, certain parts of the brain associated anxiety and stress, and many women know you, consume Marijuana to counteract this mental process."

The experts go even further: "The relaxing and anxiolytic effect of CBD could help women with orgasm", explains the young entrepreneur Mike Toniolo. But solid scientific proof does not exist for this yet.

  • women smoking helps with weight loss:

Grass against bacon? Yes, that can actually work. Contrary to the widespread assumption that binge-induced binge-eating bites make us fat, scientists now have good news:

People who smoke grass regularly are less likely to be overweight or obese - compared to those who have never smoked. The researchers published these findings in the American Journal of Medicine in 2013.

More precisely, the stingers are one third less likely to become obese than those who do not. So combining the diet now and then with a joint definitely does not hurt the weight.

  • women smoking are getting high easier:

Marijuana affects men and women differently - to the benefit of the female sex. This is proven by a study by Washington State University. For their investigation, the scientists have performed tests on rats.

The result: The female rats were more sensitive to THC - especially during ovulation.

"In the context of THC, we found that women are particularly sensitive to drugs when they ovulate - just when their estrogen levels have peaked," explains study leader Rebecca Craft.

  • The secret of long life is cannabis:

A possible secret for a longer life has already been revealed: Avoiding women the male sex, they should live longer - at least know the 109-year-old centenarian Jessie Gallan from Scotland.

One thing the old lady has overlooked: Kiffen also promises a long life.

The Indian Fulla Nayak brought it to 125 years. Shortly before her death, she aired the secret of her age: women smoking a joint every day. some time women smoking is good for women body.
Location: United States

1 comment:

  1. As female, I had afraid about smoking. After read this motivational blog, I think I have to try CBD isolate vaping products for live healthy. I got now these hemp or marijuana products are really too good to prevent many diseases.
